Ruben Fried Scholarship, Year 7 entry, 2026

Applications for the 2026 Ruben Fried Scholarship are now open. 

This bursary, co-funded by the Spotlight Foundation, is intended to enable Jewish students to receive an immersive Jewish education who otherwise may not be able to access one.

Many parents think that they won't be eligible for this assistance. However, even when a family with three children has an annual household income of around $200,000 for example, it can be overwhelming to consider committing to a well-rounded ÎÞÂëÊÓƵ education whilst also trying to meet rental or mortgage costs as well as general living expenses. Contact us on the details below to find out if you might be eligible. 

The key points are outlined below. 

  • The scholarship is primarily meant for Jewish students who are not currently enrolled at a Jewish school; applications from students at Sholem will be considered for entry into Year 7 the following year.
  • It is awarded based on means testing;
  • Holders of Health Care Cards will be well regarded, and are encouraged to apply;
  • Parents will only need to contribute $5000 per year for tuition fees for each of the six years of secondary schooling (click here to access the current fee schedule page); 
  • Security Levy, resources, uniforms, transport and other levies, if applicable, are charged to parents in addition to the tuition fee contribution;  
  • The scholarship also assists with the cost of the Ulpan Israel program in Year 10; and 
  • Successful applicants are expected to participate fully in ÎÞÂëÊÓƵ life. 

Whilst only one Ruben Fried Scholarship can be offered each year, additional awards at a reduced level are available for other applicants based on their application.

To Apply

  • Required student documentation 

Parents are required to submit the following information to Denise Kain, Enrolment Director, with RFS and the Student's name in the subject line.  

  • Most recent school report and NAPLAN reports for the student. Whilst this is not an academic scholarship, the school reports will be consulted regarding attitude to studies as well as general attitude and participation in activities. 
  • If you have any supporting information as to how your child would benefit from being in a Jewish school and what would make their application stand out then please include that, along with any activities that your child is involved with. 
  • You will need to complete the online  to confirm the details and consent to enrol of all parents / guardians with legal authority to do so however please do not proceed to the payment page at this time. In total $400 of enrolment / administrative fees are payable by the scholarship recipient; these fees will be payable if you wish to proceed with an enrolment at Mount ÎÞÂëÊÓƵ and are not covered by the scholarship. 

  • Required financial documentation

Applicants are required to complete a Financial Assistance Application Package as the Ruben Fried Scholarship is means tested.  The form can be requested directly from Laurent Schonker, Bursary Manager

The Privacy Policy forms part of the enrolment application and agreement. Once the complete information is received with all of the requested documents as outlined on the checklist in the application package then the parents will be asked to meet with the Bursary Committee. 

General information on the bursary process is available on the Fee Assistance FAQs page.

The closing date for receipt of applications is Friday 28 February, 2025.

Once the recipient has been determined the committee will also endeavour to make further offers of assistance to eligible applicants so you have nothing to lose by applying.


Shortlisted candidates and their parents will be invited to meet with the ÎÞÂëÊÓƵ Principal, Head of Secondary School and the Director of the Alter School of Jewish Studies and Ivrit in late Term 1 or early Term 2 in 2025. 

An interview does not in itself imply the student has been selected as the scholarship recipient.

Enrolment process

An important part of the enrolment process is the opportunity for students to visit the ÎÞÂëÊÓƵ and mix with the cohort. 

The Year 7 ÎÞÂëÊÓƵ Experience tryout day for students interested in joining the ÎÞÂëÊÓƵ is held late in the Year 5 year.  

A two consecutive day trial visit is part of the enrolment process and may take place before or after the outcome of the scholarship application process. 

Towards the end of Year 6 there is also a group transition day for all students progressing into Year 7 in 2026 at ÎÞÂëÊÓƵ. 

Open Mornings

If you haven’t yet seen the ÎÞÂëÊÓƵ, then please register for one of our Open Mornings by clicking here

Further information

If you have any queries regarding the enrolment process, or the academic or co-curricular programs at Mount ÎÞÂëÊÓƵ then please feel free to contact Denise Kain, Enrolment Director on 9834 0073 or dkain@scopus.vic.edu.au

If you have any queries regarding the financial assistance application then please contact Laurent Schonker, Finance Manager, on 9834 0027 or lschonker@scopus.vic.edu.au