
Dan Sztrajt

P +61 3 9834 0005
E dsztrajt@scopus.vic.edu.au
Matti Borowski
Deputy Principal, Director of Alter Family School of Jewish Studies and Ivrit

P +61 3 9834 0003
E mborowski@scopus.vic.edu.au
Kate Major
Deputy Principal, Secondary

P +61 3 8888 8505
E kmajor@scopus.vic.edu.au
Greg Hannon
Deputy Principal, Primary

P +61 3 9834 0100
E ghannon@scopus.vic.edu.au
Sharona Jotkowitz
Director of Co-Curricular Jewish Education, Secondary

P +61 3 9834 0384
E sjotkowi@scopus.vic.edu.au
Khee Lim
Director of Teaching and Learning, Secondary

P +61 3 9834 0223
E klim@scopus.vic.edu.au
Sam Sherratt
Director of Teaching and Learning, Primary

P +61 3 9834 0100
E ssherratt@scopus.vic.edu.au
Jina Belnick
Director of Individual Learning, Primary

P +61 3 9834 0174
E jbelnick@scopus.vic.edu.au
Shana Upiter
Director of Early Learning Centres

P +61 3 9900 4600
E supiter@scopus.vic.edu.au
Denise Kain
Director of Enrolments

P +61 3 9834 0070
E dkain@scopus.vic.edu.au
Maurice Wulfsohn
Chief Finance and Operations Officer

P +61 3 9834 0000
E mwulfsohn@scopus.vic.edu.au